August 1, 2023 Chris Woolman

Normal is Broke, Weird is Wealthy

You’ve heard me say it before, “normal is broke, weird is wealthy.” In today’s world, being unique and being yourself can be a superpower. The most successful people are often the ones who are not afraid to be themselves, even if it means being a little weird. Afterall, being normal is not memorable and if you want t find success, you have to be memorable! Here are a few ways that being weird can be an advantage…

First, you’ll stand out from the crowd. In a world where everyone is trying to be the same, being weird is a way to get noticed.

Second, when you are weird you are more creative. When you’re not afraid to think outside the box, you are more likely to come up with new and innovative ideas.

Third, as mentioned before, being weird can make you more memorable. People are more likely to remember the person who is a little bit different, which will give you an edge in business and in life.

Of course, there will always be a certain audience that doesn’t’ understand your weirdness, and you may face some challenges along the way. But if you’re willing to embrace your weirdness, if used correctly, the rewards can be great and lead to a more meaningful and fulfilled life!