June 28, 2022 Chris Woolman

P&S Double Black Reset Clay Towel

P&S Double Black Reset Clay Towel

Did you see the new product release this week? The Reset Clay Towel is the latest addition to the P&S Double Black line for the removal of industrial fallout, overspray, water spots, rail dust, surface rust and other contaminants from the surface of automotive paint, metal and glass.

Reset Clay Towel features a soft finish thus creating the perfect media to safely remove surface particulate while minimizing marring the surface. And glides over the surface three times faster than traditional clay to create an incredible smooth paint finish.

It works great with various lubricants, but one of our favorite lubricants is Bead Maker. It’s a technique we teach in our training classes, and it’s an experience we know will change the game for both professional details and enthusiasts. The Reset Clay Towel enhances the Bead Maker engagement by perfectly cleansing the surface allowing Bead Maker to perform at a high level.

It is always recommended to wash the entire vehicle prior to the using the Reset Clay Towel. The Reset Clay Towel can be used right out of the package. Make sure the vehicle surface is cool and the vehicle is in a shaded area out of direct sunlight. Do not use the Reset Clay Towel on hot surfaces.

It’s recommended to fold the 12″ x 12″ towel in half or quarters and place under the detailer’s palm in conjunction with a lubricant such as Paint Gloss or Bead Maker. You can’t apply too much lubricant. Rub the Reset Clay Towel on the area to be cleaned going with the flow of the vehicle, “Tip to Tail”. As you glide the towel over the surface you will feel it removing the contaminants. Continue process until the paint surface is smooth and all contaminants have been removed. Wipe area clean with microfiber towel and polish to smooth finish as needed.

The Double Black team has found it useful to store the Reset Clay Towel in a cool bucket of water for immediate access.