February 13, 2023 Renny Doyle

Success and Your Diet

I recently saw a meme on Instagram that said “Your diet isn’t just what you eat. It’s what you watch, read, who you follow and who you spend time with.” I have no idea who it’s attributed to, but it got me thinking…

We’ve all had those times in our life when we’ve felt lost. Our minds get cluttered with worrisome thoughts, fears, doubts, which often leads to anxiety and depression. What’s the fix? A diet!

Not the kind of diet where you watch what you eat, but the kind of diet that gets rid of all the junk in your life by watching what you feed your mind. A diet where you carefully watch…

What you watch…

What you read…

Who you follow…

Who you spend time with…

Who you help…

The first two are pretty simple. Watch and read junk, and your mind will be filled with it. Instead, watch and read stuff that is going to stimulate your mind, add to your knowledge and experiences, and help you achieve greater success.

Who you follow, who you spend time with and who your help are the big ones here because it’s who you surround yourself with matters. We are heavily influenced by the people who are closest to us. It’s important to be selective of those people as they can have an effect on your thoughts, attitude, habits, energy and ultimately your success.

The longer you keep relationships with people that don’t align with your goals and values, the longer you’ll stay away from reaching your goals. It’s can be hard to do, but you need to replace them with people that share your goals and values as soon as you can. It will be one of the best things you can do for yourself.