June 1, 2020 Renny Doyle

Ten Common Success Traits for New or Expanding Detailing Businesses

Ten Common Success Traits for New or Expanding Detailing Businesses

Last week we looked and the ten most common mistakes that can kill a detailing business. This week we look at the exact opposite, ten common success traits for new or expanding detailing businesses.

This list is the foundation for those that I see making the most progress and larger-than-normal successes within the detailing industry…

  1. Being business educated and having a foundation read to start a business.
  2. Being trained and educated within the art of professional-level detailing.
  3. Business is started within one’s means ad securing working capital.
  4. Starting out with business with little or no debt.
  5. Having a written business plan that addresses successes and challenges alike.
  6. Having a marketing and sales plan of action that keep the sales pipeline flowing.
  7. Developing solid personal and business branding in the early days.
  8. Establishing a highly effective referral and follow-up system.
  9. Top-notch phone and in-person sales approach that wins business.
  10. Having a proven and well-designed menu in place and profit from that menu.